Local Time, Standard Time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Sunday, January 17, 2010 7:37 AM Posted by COME LETS PLAY

International Date Line:

The 180o east meridian and 180o west meridian are one and the same line, running over the Pacific Ocean., deviating at Fiji, Samoa and Gilbert Islands. The International Date Line roughly corresponds to 180o east west meridian of longitude, which falls on the opposite side of the Greenwich meridian. When one crosses the Date line from east to west, the date is to be advanced by one day.Similarly, when one crosses the Date Line from west to east, the date is to be set back by one day.

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT):

It is the UK Standard time; it is based on the local lime of the meridian passing through Greenwich near London.

Standard Time:

It is the uniform time fixed by each country. As the local time is found to vary constantly from one plain to another, there is an arrangement by which all places in a certain region agree to use the 

Local Time:

Parallels of longitude determine the time at a place. Local time varies, from GMT (London) atthe rate of four min./degree of longitude

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